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First School Visit...

Despite being involved in schools and education since I've been five years old, today was a first for me. It was the first time I visited a school as an... author. It was so exciting but also a little nerve-wracking. But the lovely staff and students at Port Sorell Primary School were very welcoming and I only had to say a few words so I was happy about that. I think the kids were too.

Naomi and three amazing grade six students showed me their beautiful library where they have created a space for Tasmanian authors. This is a special part of the library as it showcases to students that it's possible to live your dreams despite living in a small island at the bottom of the world. I've wanted to be an author since I was in grade three. It would have been so inspirational for me to have something like this as a student.

The three students are the driving force behind the estasblishment of the Tasmanian authors section and they have written submissions and secured funding for it to happen. It is a fantastic achievement and a wonderful concept.

I asked the girls if they liked writing and yes, they did but reading was more their thing. They were very passionate about sharing their love of reading with the prep classes. And we spoke of basketball and horse riding and being in grade six and going off to high school next year. It was lovely to talk with upper primary students again. I have missed that since retiring from teaching.

Thank you Port Sorell Primary for making my first author visit a positive experience and for creating an environment where the love of the written word can flourish.

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